Support Materials


The images I have chosen are meant to represent globalisation as they show the way nature has been destroyed and the lack of concern for the amount we build on, and for what we destroy in the process. Overall I want to capture the beauty of nature while also showing how we constantly destroy it the contrast I show is meant to impact the audience and too see what we lose every day by our lack of concern.

I personally enjoy long walks through nature and will often choose these paths when walking to work and too see family, so the beauty of nature is what I’ve also enjoyed seeing on my walks but I want to address the damage we our doing and how much it effects nature. I choose globalisation as it refers to the constant growth of man made object and wanted to show the opposition of what it takes away in order to make these man made consumer product that we use everyday with a second thought.


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tech pic

Images found at:

While researching through different photographers I wanted to list my favourite one on my support list (other photographers are on shown throughout my blog but this one stands out to me) this photographer being Eric Pickersgill. This really helped me come up with the idea for my project as he address the world we are consumed by our phones and lose connection to the real world, this is shown really strongly through the picture of the couple who are more interested on their phones then each other. This research really helped me come up with my idea as it put the idea in my head of addressing how far away we are connected from the basics and using the destruction of nature vs what it should look like to show how much we rely on technology now. Some of the other strong part of image is the choice of putting it in black & white to show this bland world we see and how we don’t see beyond this anymore, This further pushed my idea of showing the growing separation of nature vs technology but what shocks me more is the pictures are dated to be three years old showing how long this and globalisation have become a growing

While learning about photography the book “Ways of seeing” By John Berger made in 1972 gave a really interesting quote that helped influence the way I took my photos ” yet when an image is presented as a work of art, the way people look at it is affected by a whole series of learnt presumptions about art. assumptions concerning: Beauty, Truth, Genius, Civilisation, Form, Status, Taste, etc.” This really helped my understanding of photography of art as there is so much that can inspire you but also influence the way others see the images presented, photos are constantly influenced and changed based on the person seeing the photos.

Alternative Photos:





These are some of my earlier images I took, while I enjoy them and think they look nice they weren’t as good as some of my final images that I used but I still wanted the chance to show them off on my blog.


This task has given me the opportunity too explore further into this topic and follow something that I feel really strongly about. When I first started experimenting with the camera I wasn’t too sure what too take photos of but through my research I have found something I feel passionate about and through my research I have been able to develop my photography skills on this course. While I set out to experiment with different photos in this projects I have practiced and learned about a depth of field and lighting within images, helping me take better and clear photos throughout this project.

Overall when I first started this photography project my photos weren’t that strong and I didn’t much too much thought into how I took these pictures, however through this course I have learnt a lot and been able to develop my techniques. The final project brief allowed me to further explore these themes of photos and improve on what I have done while helping me discover famous photographer who I may have never heard of if it wasn’t for this course.

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